Shenzhen Homk Telecom Tech Co., Ltd.

Mipox Fiber Polishing Film 30 9 3 1U ADS


MIPOX Polishing films are polishing materials with ultra-precision flexibility. They are made with diamond powders evenly coated on the surface of flexible substrate by adhesives and are often used for lapping and precision polishing of optical fiber pins, semiconducting materials, metal rollers, etc.

Polishing StepPolishing FilmPolishing FluidThrust(Std.)Polishing Time(Std.)Polishing Film Life(Std.)
Adhesive removal(hand

Abrasive paperNoneApprox 1 to 2kg15 SecDispose of every time
Grinding(1st polishing)9 micWaterPoint 250 Sec30 times
Grinding(2nd polishing)3micWaterPoint 250 Sec30 times
Grinding(3rt polishing)1micWaterPoint 350 Sec30 times
Grinding(4th polishing)ADS(0.05mic)WaterPoint 350 Sec10 times

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